Guidance from Our Subject Matter Experts

莫泽技术 莫泽技术

Take Control of Your Data

In a world increasingly reliant on digital information, 利用和解释数据的能力是保持竞争优势的一个关键方面. This is where 蜂窝 分析 comes in. mg官方游戏中心提供全面的解决方案,旨在将您的数据集中到一个可用且可靠的平台上, providing analytics at your fingertips. mg官方游戏中心的系统旨在为那些更需要可消费数据而不是复杂平台和集成的客户减少实现价值的时间. 利用数据分析技术的力量,快速做出明智的决策,并通过面向数据的战略实现业务方法的现代化,从而获得成功. New insights can be found in even the most familiar places, 这些见解可能是你的企业在当今快节奏的市场中保持领先地位的关键.

应用程序服务 Chris Low 应用程序服务 Chris Low

Developing a Jira App: Three Tips for Atlassian Forge App Development

为Forge应用程序构建用户界面有两种选择——UI工具包和自定义UI. UI工具包允许您使用一组atlassian提供的组件创建一个简单的UI, put together using relatively simple code. Custom UI gives you more room to use Atlassian-supplied and third-party hooks, 组件等, while also allowing you to employ more complex HTML, CSS, static resources (such as images) and source code, all of which can be hosted in Atlassian’s cloud with custom UI but not the UI kit. Both types of UI involve writing code in a React-like pattern, 这是有道理的,因为Atlassian提供的各种组件都基于React.

应用程序服务 Chris Low & 亚历克斯·霍华德 应用程序服务 Chris Low & 亚历克斯·霍华德

Developing a Jira App: Distributing Your Atlassian Forge App

In a prior installment of this blog [1], we discussed getting your Forge app up and running in a "Hello, 世界!" way on a test Atlassian instance. 现在, perhaps your 公司 has an Atlassian instance that employees use daily, 并且你想通过在该实例上安装Forge应用程序来在现实世界中测试它. Another scenario is that you’re now ready to have customers for your app, so you need to distribute it to them.

应用程序服务 Chris Low 应用程序服务 Chris Low

Developing a Jira App: Getting Started with Atlassian Forge

Forge是Atlassian的下一代框架,用于构建与Confluence集成的应用程序, Jira, or Jira Service Management. Forge provides Web UI elements, api和部署环境使开发人员能够通过使用JavaScript在Atlassian的云基础设施中创建功能齐全的应用程序, HTML, CSS and other Web technologies. Forge应用程序可以通过Atlassian Marketplace作为软件分发,任何Atlassian Cloud客户都可以订阅.

应用程序服务 摩根泰勒 应用程序服务 摩根泰勒

Developing a Jira App: Design Consistency and Team Collaboration

In today’s growing technological world, 拥有有效的项目管理工具对于公司实现其发展目标是非常重要的. Jira是一个强大的项目管理工具,旨在简化工作流程和改善协作. 将此与Jira客户所处的各种不同业务和行业相结合, there can be a desire to customize capabilities to their needs. mg官方游戏中心在Moser的团队决定创建一个自定义工具,为项目管理开发清晰的工作路径, as well as visually see the dependencies and path to completion for Jira tickets. The tool “Clear Path for Jira” started out as an idea, and then turned into a working tool that Jira users can use today.

安迪Wickman 安迪Wickman

Tuning a Snowflake Database for Improved Performance and Cost Savings

MG游戏登录网页最近的任务是在一家公司的Snowflake环境中降低成本并确保更一致的SLA遵从性. While Snowflake differs from traditional and other cloud databases, it is still a SQL-based database, and many of the same tuning techniques apply. 然而, understanding Snowflake's architecture is crucial, as it offers unique cost-saving opportunities not found in traditional databases.

安迪Wickman 安迪Wickman

Optimizing Storage Costs with Cloudflare R2 for Data Ingestion into Snowflake

最近, 我偶然发现了Felipe Hoffa的一篇博客,其中详细介绍了如何使用Cloudflare R2作为雪花中外部表的数据存储位置. I had a project that required less than 5 GB of storage per month, and I wanted to avoid paying for storage if possible. Therefore, I decided to experiment with Cloudflare's free tier as my data lake. The results were nothing short of impressive.

安迪Wickman 安迪Wickman

什么是雪花? Exploring the Database of the Year and Its Popularity

Snowflake连续第二年被DB-Engines评为年度数据库. 在过去的几年里,它的受欢迎程度有所上升,目前排名第11位. Snowflake is a cloud data platform designed for analytical, AI, and ML use cases. As a cloud-native solution, its architecture differs significantly from traditional databases like SQL Server, 甲骨文, MySQL, 和PostgreSQL.

莫泽技术 莫泽技术

Install Canvas-LMS on RHEL 8.x

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, as with most aspects of life, learning and education have had to adapt, 通过必要性, 远程访问. 在那个领域, Canvas-LMS(来自infrastructure)显然保持着通过远程渠道提供教育内容的首选套件的领先地位, be it from elementary schools up through universities and even corporate training.

Instructure does offer hosted Canvas solutions, 为可能没有技术人员或与公共和私营企业相同的严格控制的安全要求的组织提供交钥匙访问, 哪一个更有可能在本地或云“硬件”上部署Canvas系统. infrastructure的主要支持文档描述了在MacOS (OS X)或基于ubuntu的Linux发行版上安装Canvas-LMS的路径. 然而, Canvas-LMS is a complex suite; challenging to install even for experienced Systems Administrators and Developers and requiring a narrow list of supporting framework versions that may no longer be "default" packages in the current repositories ("repos"). There are also a healthy number of un-affiliated sites with their own "how-to" on installing Canvas; but again, these are focused on Debian-based installs.

然而,本文讨论的是较少采用的路径:Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8上的Canvas-LMS. (请关注本文的后续修订,以调整这些步骤以便在Alma或Rocky上安装.)

